영어 공부하기 좋은 원서 1위의 윔피 키드가 새로운 학습법으로 재탄생했다. 윔피 키드 따라서 영어일기 써보자는 것이다. 배꼽 잡는 기발한 스토리가 돋보이는 윔피 키드는 현장감 넘치는 생활 영어로 쓰인 우리 시대 최고의 텍스트다. 이 책 윔피 키드 영어일기는 원어로 읽으면 재미와 몰입도가 더욱 커진다는 사실에 기초한 영어 학습서로, 원문을 읽고 필수 영어 표현을 익힌 후 직접 자기만의 영어일기를 쓸 수 있도록 했다. 공부한다는 부담 없이 윔피 키드 이야기를 읽고 CD로 듣고 연필을 움직여 쓰다 보면 어느새 영어와 친구가 된다.
Day 1 Swimming Lessons
_Being in the swim team was worse than being in the middle school
Day 2 Doing House Chores
_Rodrick is the worst dishes partner in the world
Day 3 Secret Language
_We made up our OWN secret language
Day 4 Being in the Middle
_Mom and Dad have always been SUPER protective of Mom
Day 5 Typing an English Paper
_He typed Rodrick’s whole paper for him
Day 6 Invisible Friend
_Today Chirag was back in school
Day 7 Dog-sitting
_The Fullers cut their trip short
Day 8 Honesty
_She faked a call to the dentist’s office
Day 9 Career Day
_We had to fill out these questionnaires
Day 10 Crazy Party at Home
_He was having a party
Day 11 First Day of Preschool
_I remember MY first day of preschool
Day 12 Rowley’s Babysitter
_Rowley’s parents went out to dinner
Day 13 Glass Eye
_Unfortunately, I don’t have a glass eye
Day 14 Drum Lessons from Brother
_Me and Rowley tried our best to do the drills
Day 15 Recycling the Paper
_The worst possible thing happened: The power went out
Day 16 Grandma’s Favorite Grandson
_Here’s what I wrote: I hate you Gramma
Day 17 Winter Talent Show
_Rowley found someone ELSE to partner with for the Talent Show
Day 18 Sleep Over
_Manny must’ve gotten cold
Day 19 Embarrassing Mom
_Mom did a pretty good job of filming
Day 20 Brotherhood
_I don’t mean to brag, but we did a really good job